Quality policy

The company's mission

Our main mission is to enable construction organizations to be leaders in their business. To this end, we produce and supply the best safety glazing and fire protection translucent structures.

Main objectives

  • Producing high quality products that fully meet customers' requirements and expectations, comply with standards, legal and mandatory requirements, and ensure sustainable profits.
  • Creating safe working conditions for the production personnel.


  • Quality is and always will be a strategic direction underlying all our activities.
  • The regulated responsibility of specialists at all levels — from the head of the organization to the workers — guarantees quality at all stages of the product life cycle, from contract to delivery.
  • Analysis and synthesis of work experience. Creation of a unified team, working in an environment that helps to identify quality problems and their solutions in all areas of the company's activities.
  • Training of personnel in the field of quality, the involvement of each employee in quality improvement activities, motivation and encouragement of staff to improve the quality of work and products.
  • Continuous work, development and promotion of joint plans with suppliers of raw and refined materials, as well as with consumers in order to improve and enhance the quality characteristics of the finished product.

Quality tools

  • The current quality management system (QMS) is in accordance with GOST R ISO 9001:2008.
  • Continuous study of customer satisfaction.
  • Certification of the state of production and of the products.
  • Analysis of QMS, QMS processes and department activities by the management to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of work.

PHOTOTECH management is committed to:

  • Creating conditions for creative and efficient work, continuous product improvement, following the quality policy in all respects.
  • Analyzing customer requirements and expectations.
  • Creating and offering new products to the consumer.
  • Improving tools and technology, reducing costs through the efficient use of equipment and materials.
  • Set clear and achievable objectives, explain to employees the expected outcome and evaluation of their work.
  • Implementing a quality policy.


  • Российский Союз строителей
  • Федеральная Палата
  • Лидер промышленности РФ 2017 год
  • Национальный Объединенный Совет предприятий стекольной промышленности «СтеклоСоюз»
  • Ассоциация строителей России
  • Союз проектировщиков России

    Calculation application form

    Each order requires a preliminary calculation. Using this form, you can create an individual application for calculating the cost. This is very convenient and saves you the time required to describe product configurations to the manager by phone.
    Delivery and installation throughout Russia.



    +7 (800) 100-38-32
    Free in Russia